Scientists of the ANAS Institute of Petrochemical Processes after Academician Yu.Mammadaliyev synthesized a new medicinal preparation (IAF-1) against plant diseases in agriculture and microbes in animal husbandry.
The drug "IAF-1" as an insecticide against the Colorado potato beetle, green worm and locust in vegetable cultures was tested in the Jalilabad support center of the Research Institute of Viticulture and Wine of the Ministry of Agriculture. As a result of field tests of insecticide for two years, it was found that the technical efficiency of the drug is 95%. The cost-effectiveness of the drug "IAF-1" is two times cheaper in comparison with similar drugs.
In the Institute of Veterinary the medicine "IAF-1" was tested in animal husbandry as a bactericide and disinfectant drug (acaricide) from E. coli. As a result of studying the bactericidal effect of "IAF-1" on E. coli, it was found that a 0.5 percent solution of this substance in water completely destroyed "E.Coli" for 15 minutes. In addition, the disinfection properties of "IAF-1" have been studied.
The drug "IAF-1" received the right to a patent for its use in the insecticide and acaricidal spheres.
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