Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry held “Open door” day
Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry by the organizational support of Council of Young Scientists and Specialists and ANAS Free Trade Union to increase the scientific potential of youth held “Open door” day.
In the Open door” day the Institute was visited by students of Baku State University, Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction and students of the "Hədəf" Training Center.
At first the students get acquainted with the library, the laboratories of the Institute and the Soil Museum.
Then, with the participation of students was held a scientific seminar. Director of the Institute, corresponding member of ANAS Alovsat Guliyev told the youth about the history and activities of the institution he heads.
Head of the Soil Reclamation Laboratory of the Institute, Ph.D. Mustafa Mustafaev deliver a report on "The process of salinization of lands and ways to combat it". The scientist spoke about the causes of the processes of salinization and solonetzation of soils on the territory of the republic and stressed the importance of applying agro-meliorative and agrotechnical measures to improve their condition.
At the end of the event, was demonstrated a video on salted and solonetsized soils, their types and ways to improve them.
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