Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Azerbaijani scientific community faced heavy lost
20.05.2014 00:00
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Azerbaijani scientific community faced heavy lost

A prominent scientist in the field of nuclear physics , Honored Scientist, Advisor to the President of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan , academician Nariman Guliyev died in his 88.

Nariman oglu Guliyev Agagulu was born in 1926 in Baku. He entered to Azerbaijan State University and at a young age began to engage in scientific activities and devoted his life to science .

Guliyev and his students have made important scientific results in the field of nuclear physics and elementary particle physics , laid the foundation for the organization of large-scale research in the field of elementary particle physics.

Since 1992 Azerbaijan is a member of Joint Institute for Nuclear Research and in 1992-2003 Guliyev was an authorized representative of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the institute . More than 25 years was a vice president of ANAS .

In 2011 academician N.Guliyev was awarded the “Star Alliance” established by the Interstate Humanitarian Cooperation and he also deserved " Glory” and " Istiqlal " and Medal Society of Physics Turkey.

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