Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Republican scientific conference "Bright pages of Azerbaijan and Islamic philosophy: personalities, ideas (anniversaries, commemorative dates)" to be held
23.11.2018 10:57
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Republican scientific conference "Bright pages of Azerbaijan and Islamic philosophy: personalities, ideas (anniversaries, commemorative dates)" to be held

On December 21, the Republican Scientific Conference on "Bright pages of Azerbaijan and Islamic philosophy: personalities, ideas (anniversaries, commemorative dates)" will be held by the Institute of Philosophy of ANAS.

Conference topics:

1. Aristotle's trace of Islamic philosophy - peripatetism

a) Abulhasan Bahmanyar (993-1066) - 1025

b) Abunasr Farabi (873-950) - 1145

c) Ibn Rushd (1126-1198) - 820 (commemorative date)

2. The essence of Islam philosophy - the philosophy of Sufism (medieval)

a) Rabi'a al-Adaviyya (718-801) - 1300

b) Omar Khayyam (1048-1131) - 970

c) Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali (1058-1111) - 960

d) Shams Tabrizi (1185-1248) - 770 (commemorative date)

e) Jalaladdin Rumi (1207-1273) - 745 (commemorative date)

3. Philosophical thinking in Islamic civilization (XIX-XX centuries)

a) Jamaladdin Afghani (1838-1897) - 180 (commemorative date)

b) Heydar Huseynov (1908-1950) - 110

c) Muhammad Iqbal (1877-1938) -145

d) Jubran Khalil Jubran (1883-1931) - 135

Registration Rules for Reporting theses:

- The text must be typed in Microsoft Word for Windows editor (Times New Roman font - 12ppt, linear interval - 1.5), printed on A4 standard white paper. (total volume of articles max 4-5 pages);

- At the beginning of the text, the title should contain the name of the report, the name and patronymic of the author, the name of the author at the bottom and on the right, the work address and e-mail below (in smaller font).

Deadline for submission of thesis reports: December 10, 2018

Address: AZ1005, Baku city, Huseyn Javid pr. 115, AZ1073

Contact: (+994) 55 296 47 27


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