Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


ANAS High Technologies Park has created all the necessary conditions for young scientists
05.02.2019 11:07
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ANAS High Technologies Park has created all the necessary conditions for young scientists

Director of ANAS High Technologies Park, Ph.D. in Economy Nazim Shukurov was a guest of the “Seher” program of Azerbaijan TV.

N.Shukurov noted that, ANAS High Technologies Park was established by the decree  of AR President Ilham Aliyev dated November 8, 2016, the main activity of which is the creation of the ties between science and production, as well as manufacturing of innovative petrochemical products and technical goods.

The scientist noted that, the High Technologies Park has 21 hectares of land, and created all the conditions for young scientists and who want to do business, including tax and customs benefits for startups.

Director noted that, there is an Expert Council at the Park, which assists in determining the business plans, feasibility studies, sales market and marketing for the successful implementation of new ideas.

He said that, there are 10 residents at the Park, manufactiring product to increase military power and defence capacity.

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