Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Outstanding scientist, academician Arif Pashayev is 85
15.02.2019 10:55
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Outstanding scientist, academician Arif Pashayev is 85

Today, famous physicist, pedagogue, public figure, laureate of the State Prize, laureate of "Shohrat", "Sharaf" and "Istiglal" orders, honorary academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, active member of the Russian Academy of Engineering, Rector of National Academy of Aviation, academician Arif Pashayev is 85.

Arif Mir Jalal oglu Pashayev was born on February 15, 1934 in Baku. He graduated from Odessa Institute of Electrical Engineering and Communications on specialty “Radiophysics” in 1957.

He began his scientific activity at the Physics Institute of ANAS (Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences) in 1959. The main direction of his scientific activity was semiconductor devices and semiconductors physics. He began the creation of electromagnetic control methods of products and materials among the first Soviet scientists and devoted more than 40 years of his life to the development and research of the scientific bases of electromagnetic control physics and methods of semiconductors parameters measurement.

Rightfully, the academician A.M.Pashayev is considered the creator of the physical basis of researches with non-contact methods of materials in the field of high and super high frequency.

Arif Mir Jalal oglu Pashayev entered the postgraduate study of the State Rare Metals Institute which was one of the leading scientific centers of the former USSR in 1960. And in 1965, he defended his candidate dissertation on the topic “Elaboration of methods and gadgets for non-contact measuring of parameters of semi-conductive metals in high and ultra-high frequency field” and got the scientific degree of the Candidate of Technical Sciences.

The major part of A.M.Pashayev’s researches was aimed at creating new devices, upgrading of existing devices, and processing of new methods of the various physical quantities measuring. Along with that, he knew very well the control difficulties and problems in production, and his scientific researches were aimed at solving these problems.

Since 1969, when microelectronics industry began to develop in Azerbaijan, A.M.Pashayev’s scientific activity has begun especially in the microelectronics field on creation of microelectronics sensors. The scientific researches and works that were conducted in this field laid the foundation of the new direction in microelectronics – microelectronic converters field of non-electric quantities.

The results of A.M.Pashayev’s theoretical and experimental researches in the field of semiconductors electronics and microelectronics has been reflected in his doctoral dissertation which was defended successfully on the topic of “Physical bases, principles of development and perspectives of application of non-destructive methods in semiconductor studying” by him in 1978, he was awarded the scientific degree of the doctor of physical-mathematical sciences.

While continue his works on microelectronic sensors field, the new types integrated temperature, the pressure, the humidity, the power, the acceleration and the vibration sensors were created by A.M.Pashayev. These sensors are used for the creation of high-speed control systems which are widely used for shipbuilding, oil mechanical engineering, medicine, defense industry and other fields.

The telemetric, multifunctional, hydroacoustic complex equipments were created on their base to control and explore underwater objects. A.M.Pashayev was awarded the tittle of the State Prize Laureate of Azerbaijan “For the series of works on creating autonomous hydro-acoustic information system” in 1991.

The results of scientific researchs in the field of microelectronic sensors have been published as two monographs: “Solid microelectronic transformers of non-electric sizes” (1998) and “Solid microelectronic magneto-electrical and moistureelectrical transformers” (1999).

Many devices and equipments which were made by A.M.Pashayev, were implemented at invention level and applied in various industrial enterprises of the former USSR and were awarded gold, silver, bronze medals and diplomas at various international exhibitions and competitions.

For a long time – from 1971 to 1996, A.M.Pashayev headed the Laboratory of “Physical Methods of Measurement and Control without damage” of the Physics Institute of the Azerbaijan National Sciences Academy and actively participated in defining the scientific directions of the Institute. During this time, having his outstanding ability as a scientist and scientific organizer shown himself.

From 1996 up to nowadays, the academician A.M.Pashayev is a rector of the National Aviation Academy of the “Azerbaijan Airlines” Closed Joint-Stock Company. Since 1996 when he was appointed the rector, the National Aviation Academy has entered a new stage of development. The Academician A.M.Pashayev in his activities has achieved organization of the educational process, scientific-research works at the level of modern requirements.

The Scientific Research Institute, The Scientific Research Institute of Transportation and Avicosmic Problems which consists of the Constructing Bureau and the Experience-Test Production, were established under the National Aviation Academy.

Under leadership of the academician A.M.Pashayev, traditionally, scientific seminars and conferences are held to determine the importance and usefulness of carried out research in aviation field at NAA.

For the first time, in Azerbaijan A.M.Pashayev achieved to create a higher education school which corresponds to modern world standards, envisions unit of the education, the science and the production.

Achievements of NAA under the leadership of A.M.Pashayev were also approved by various well-known foreign country organizations. “The European Quality” and “the Best European enterprise” international awards which were given to NAA for his high services in accordance with European standards in the education system, are a bright proof for this.

Additionnaly, the National Aviation Academy was awarded the Certificate of Civil Aviation Higher Education enterprise by decision of the Interstate Aviation Committee, was included to the list of the Civil Aviation Higher Education enterprises of the International Civil Aviation Organization, as well as was received as a full-fledged member of the Association of European Universities. The National Aviation Academy got the status of the Regional Educational Center of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) on “Transportation of Dangerous Cargoes by air transport.”

Under the leadership of the academician A.M.Pashayev, the NAA’s academician collective have implemented “Program on Development of Science and Education in the National Aviation Academy in 2003-2010”. The completing of the construction of the academy campus, equipping the educational buildings with modern equipment and inventory, opening new specialties, intensifying the training of highly qualified personnel in aviation, future development of scientific works and research in civil aviation and etc.were included here.

Arif Mir Jalal oglu Pashayev who is the genuine member of the Azerbaijan National Sciences Academy and some international academies was awarded the medal on behalf of Y.Mammadaliyev, the Gold Medal of the England International Biographical Center and the name of “USSR inventor” for his high achievements in physics.

He is chairman of the specialized dissertation council acting under the National Aviation Academy, a member of the coordination council on the preparation of aviation specialists under the Interstate Aviation Committee.

Arif Pashayev is a Honorary Doctor of Ukrainian National Aviation University, Georgian Aviation University, Odessa National Communication Academy named after A.S.Popov and he is a Honorary Professor of Vienna International University, a Honorary Member of Ukrainian Azerbaijanis Congress. He is also a president of the founded Azerbaijan Engineering Academy in 2005, a president of the International Engineering Academy and Public Union of “Scientifically-Guaranteed Innovation Association” which was established in July 2009.

Together with scientists from Russia and Georgia, he is the author of scientific discovery in the field of semiconductors physics. A special diploma No. 340 was given to him related to the discovery, Gold Medal named after P.L.Kapitsa who got the Nobel Prize laureate in physics field was presented. He was also chosen as an Honorary Academician of the Russian Natural Sciences Academy and a Gold badge named Vernadski was given to him.

The “Honor and Dignity” Gold Star of the Human Rights Protection International Committee was presented to the academician Arif Pashayev for his activities on strengthening of international relations.

More than 400 scientific works of the academician A.M.Pashayev were published, he is the author of over 30 books and monographs, got the authorship certificates and industrial samples for more than 60 inventions.

According to the Decrees of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, he was awarded with “FAME” and “HONOR” orders for activities on the development of science and education in Azerbaijan. The academician Arif Pashayev was awarded the honorary title “Honored Scientist”, the “Gold Medal” – higher award of the World Intellectual Property Organization, as well as the anniversary “Gold Medal” of the International Engineering Academy and the order of “Engineering Glory” for his contributions to the Azerbaijan science and education treasury, representation of Azerbaijan science globally.

Chairwoman of the Interstate Aviation Committee, Tatyana Anodina presented a Gold Medal for “Special Activities in the Preparation of Aviation Specialists and exemplary organization of educational process” to the academician Arif Pashayev on February 29, 2008.

In 2009, the rector of NAA, the academician Arif Pashayev was awarded with the Great Gold Medal and the International Prize Laureate Diploma of the International Engineering Academy.

Arif Mir Jalal oglu Pashayev was awarded with Honorary Diploma “The most active rector of the year” by the Baku City Youth and Sports Headquarters in March 2010 for his high level of care and support for NAA students.

The Council on Space Affairs was established according to collegium decision No. 6 of July 5, 2010 of the Communications and Information Technologies Ministry of the Azerbaijan Republic for the purpose of ensuring the implementation of paragraph 6 of the Order No. 885 of May 3, 2010 about the establishment of the “Azercosmos” Open Joint-Stock Company of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic and the academician Arif Pashayev was appointed chairman of that council.

In May 2011, the rector of the National Aviation Academy, the academician Arif Pashayev was awarded honorary title of “The scientist of the year” within the project “Qafqaz University elects the people of the year”.

On 24 October 2011, the academician Arif Pashayev was elected vice president of the International Engineering Academy and he was awared “Fame of Engineering” order which is the highest award of the International Engineering Academy.

The intense creative activity in the construction of the Academy campus which is not analogue in our republic and is at the level of international standards, carried out the reforms regularly, personal control with raising the level of education, creating a healthy scientific-pedagogical environment at NAA, invitation of highly qualified specialists to NAA, management of carried out scientific-practical conferences with the participation of many scientific institutions at NAA are proof to have his high scientific potential and organizational ability.

Arif Mir Jalal oglu Pashayev was awarded the “Istiqlal” order for effective scientific activity and special services in the development of education in the Republic of Azerbaijan by Order dated February 14, 2014 of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic.

President of the Azerbaijan Engineering Academy, the academician Arif Pashayev was elected as an academician of the Ukrainian Engineering Academy for his contribution to the development of the science and the technology and the strengthening of the international cooperation. He was awarded with the highest award of the Ukrainian Engineering Academy – “Fame of Engineering” order.

The academician Arif Pashayev was elected as a real member of the Russian Engineering Academy in 2014.

The academician Arif Pashayev has became Laureate of the II Republican Contest in the ingenuity field in 2014.

Congratulations Arif Pashayev on his 85th anniversary, wish him good health and success in his scientific activity!

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