Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

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Republican Seismic Survey Center


Address 25, Nigar Rafibeyli str., AZ1001, Baku, Azerbaijan 

(+994 12) 4923437

Fax  (+992 12) 4925070
General director 

Yetirmishli Gurban Jalal oglu  

Сorresponding member of ANAS, doctor of geologic-minarelogical sciences, professor

Phone:(+994 12) 4923437


Executive director

Muradov Rauf Bazergau oglu

Doctor of philosophy of technical sciences, associate professor

Phone: (+994 12) 4970646


Scientific secretary

Ibragimova Lala Agadadash gizi 

Phone: (+994 12) 4923059

Mob: (+994 55) 4555553


Establishment history By the decision of the Council of Ministers of Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic in 1979 according to the decree of the National Academy of Sciences was created ”Geophysics” Geophysical Research Party at the Institute of Geology and Geophysics of ANAS.

On this base, in 1980 the Experimental Methodical Geophysical Expedition was organized. The Corresponding member of ANAS, doctor of geology-mineralogical sciences Arif Gasanov supervised over expedition.

In 01.09.1998 on the basis of Azerbaijan Republic Ministers Cabinets decision №179, EMGP has been given the status of the Republican Seismic Survey Center of ANAS.

Basic activity directions  Scientific researches of RSSC ANAS cover the following complex directions:

1. Seismological studies: features of seismicity, dynamics of earthquake sources, seismic tomographic studies, the study of prognostic signs of earthquakes, a comparative analysis of earthquakes and explosions, macroseismic studies.

2. Magnetometric studies in seismic zones.

3. Gravimetric studies in seismic zones.

4. Geodynamic (GPS) studies in the republic.

5. Geochemical studies in seismic zones.

Seismic researches based on observation network which consisting of 35 telemetry seismic stations. Investigating seismicity in the territory of Republic, kinematic and dynamic parameters of earthquakes, seismic regime, the patterns of earthquakes distribution. Carrying out seismic studies of the dynamics processes in the focal areas, the definition of the active parts in the deep faults and assessment the maximum possible intensity of earthquakes. Design velocity model, studies of seismic tomography, study of the earthquakes mechanism, seismic risk assessment in big cities, works on seismic zoning, and study of seismicity in major construction projects.

Are engaged in display of seismoabnormal structures effects in geophysical areas and complex researches. Investigate geomagnetic intensity of a field through a network of geophysical stations, gravity and variations of gravitational potential of the second derivative.

Are engaged in display of seismoabnormal structures effects in geochemical areas. The analysis hydro-gas and radiochemical components in geochemical seismoactive regions of the country. These researches allow estimating the deformed-tension seismogene zones and allow finding out abnormal effects before earthquakes in seismogene areas.

Main scientific achievements  1. For the first time on the basis data of the multichannel telemetric stations, have been investigated methods of estimation cross-section parameters of waves, studying of a trajectory of cross-section waves points, the analysis of direction changes on different depth and designing of increase efficiency of cross-section waves identification in difficult geological conditions. Executors: (g-m.s.d. G.D.Yetirmishli, Ph.D. g-m.s. I.E.Kazimov.)

2. For the first time on the basis of telemetry stations network, corrections were made in times receipts of P and S waves in the Middle Kura depression and developed velocity model for   determination coordinate of earthquake epicenters. Executors: (g-m.s.d. G.D.Yetirmishli, Ph.D. g-m S.E.Kazimova.)

3. For the first time on the basis of an electronic database, has been conducted complex interpretation of parameters in geophysical areas, creation schedules of results, visualisation in a 3D format, creation of models, creation of a software package which allows to define areas of geophysical seismoabnormal effects. Executors: (g-m.s.d. G.D.Yetirmishli, Ph.D. g-m.s. T.B.Asadov.)

4. According to the analysis of geomagnetic field parameters was defined seismogenic zones of earthquakes occurring in the Great Caucasus and Talysh areas and it allows to investigate the scenario of seismic activity development in these regions. Executors: (g-m.s.d. G.D.Yetirmishli, Ph.D. in physic-mathematics A.G.Rzayev.)

5. For the first time by tools methods on the basis seismotelemetric stations, has been registered 3 step of eruption process of a mud volcano in Lokbatan. Executors: (g-m.s.d. G.D.Yetirmishli, Ph.D. on g-m.s. S.E.Kazimova.)

6. On the basis of seismotelemetric stations database information has been created mechanism of the source zones (M ≥2,5) and have been found out characteristics of deformations in seismotectonics in various seismic zones of republic. Executors: (g-m.s.d. G.D.Yetirmishli, Ph.D. on g-m.s S.E.Kazimova.)

7. For the first time on the basis of long-term monitoring of seismogeochemical and seismic areas have been defined the combinations of geochemical parameters in the Shamakhi-Ismailli seismogene zone on the basis of micro blocks and has been forecasted earthquake. Executors: (g-m.s.d. G.D.Yetirmishli, R.A.Keramova,  P.A. Abdulrazogova, E.N.Kudravtseva)

8. Assessment of the slip process dynamics using complex seismic and geophysical studies.

On the basis of seismic and geophysical studies on the Bayil slope, two new potentially dangerous slip zones were discovered, slip mass parameters and the risk of the slip process were determined. (Performers: G.J.Yetirmishli, A.G.Rzayev, H.O.Veliyev, N.B.Khanbabayev, E.S.Garaveliyev, M.G.Zeynalov).

9. Creation of an electronic information bank for seismic zoning of Greater Baku.

A database of engineering seismological, tectonic, geological and lithological, geomorphological, hydrogeological and physico-mechanical parameters of the soil has been created on the territory of Greater Baku.

The data bank is of great practical importance in seismic protection, earthquake resistant construction and emergency response measures under MES on the territory of Greater Baku. (Performers: G.J.Yetirmishli, Z.S.Aliyeva, H.J.Aliyeva, L.T.Fattakhova, A.B.Guliyeva).

Total number of employees 366
Structural subdivisions Department of macroseismic researches
Department of Dynamics of earthquake sources
Earthquake Research Bureau
Department of Engineering Geology and seismic micro zoning
Epicentral department
Department of Magnetometry
Department of Geodynamics
Department of analysis and interpretation of seismic data
Department of Gravimetry
Department of Scientific Relations
Department of Comprehensive geochemical investigations
Instrumental department
Department of Environmental Geoscience
Department of Research of seismic and geophysical studies
Department Information
Department of İnternational Relations

Scientific Council:

-       chairman

-       secretary

-       members

G.J.Yetirmishli - corresponding member of ANAS, doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences, professor

L.A. Ibrahimova

P.Z.Mammadov - academician, doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences, professor

H.G.Guliyev - academician, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor

F.A. Gadirov - academician, doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences, professor

Ch.S.Aliyev - corresponding member of ANAS, doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences, professor

M.I. Isayeva - doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences, professor

A.A.Aliyev - doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences, professor

O.B.Babazade - doctor of philosophy

T.Y.Mammadli - doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences

R.А.Keramova - doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences

G.O.Veliyev - doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences

A.G. Novruzov - doctor of philosophy of geological and mineralogical sciences, docent

R.B.Muradov - doctor of philosophy of technical sciences, docent

Sh.J.Musayev - doctor of philosophy of geological and mineralogical sciences

A.G. Rzayev - doctor of philosophy of physical and mathematical sciences, docent

E.S. Garaveliyev - doctor of philosophy of geological and mineralogical sciences, docent

S.E.Kazimova - doctor of philosophy of geological and mineralogical sciences, docent

I.E.Kazimov - doctor of philosophy of geological and mineralogical sciences, docent

T.H.Aliyev - doctor of philosophy of technical sciences, docent

Sh.I.Mustafayev - doctor of philosophy of technical sciences
Council of  Young Scientists and Specialists:

-       chairman

-       deputy chairman

-       secretary

-       members


Afag Agazade

Azer Iskenderov

Lala Piriyeva

Khadija Shabnem

Aynur Aliyeva

Khadidja Aliyeva

Afsuna Nuriyeva

Ilhama  Jalilova

Tarana Kazimova
Trade Union:

-       chairman

-       secretary

-       bureau members


Eytibar Garaveliyev 

Ilhama Jalilova

Rauf Muradov

Gulnara Alkhanova

Elman Sariyev

Saadet Guliyeva

Shebnem Khadiji

Khadidja Aliyeva

Bakhtiyar Khanbutov

Women Council  Huseynova Vusala
PR responsible person Huseynova Vusala Rafig gizi 
Doctors of sciences 