Azerbaijan National Academy of Science

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Schoolchildren excursion to the Institute of Additives Chemistry
16.04.2019 16:47
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Schoolchildren excursion to the Institute of Additives Chemistry

Today, a group of students from Azerbaijan British College visited the Institute of Additives Chemistry named after academician A.M.Guliyev.

The chairman of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of the Institute, Ph.D. in chemistry Afsun Sujayev informed the students about the history of the institute, activities, master's degree and important scientific innovations. He noted that academicians such as Ali Guliyev, Izzat Orujova, Vagif Farzaliyev and Kamil Sadigov acted in the institute and that the school of "Additives chemistry" formed by these scientists made a great contribution to the world science as well as to the economy of Azerbaijan.

The chairman of the council briefed about the projects they undergo.

He also briefed on projects and stimulating measures implemented by students and students in secondary and higher schools to encourage young people to science.

Then the pupils got acquainted with the Institute 's Corrosion Inhibitors, modern equipment and equipment used in Physical and Chemical Analysis and Fine Organic Synthesis Laboratory, and their work mechanism. Leading Researcher, Ph.D. in chemistry Maziya Mirzoyeva, Researcher, Ph.D. in chemistry Sabiya Osmanova and senior researcher of the laboratory of theoretical bases of synthesis and influence of additives, Ph.D. in chemistry Sevinj Qocayeva informed the students about the researches and used synthesis and physical-chemical analysis devices.

At the end of the event, the head of the British College Examination and Assessment Department, PhD in Biology Hasan Hasanov, biology teacher Melek Azizova said that such excursion created great interest in students, and stressed the necessity of participation in the projects.

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