Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


The materials of the conference on "In the Context of Folklore national identity" have been published
07.05.2019 12:33
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The materials of the conference on "In the Context of Folklore national identity" have been published

Presentation of the book of the international scientific conference on "In the Context of Folklore national identity" was held at the secondary school in Lahij settlement of Ismayilli region.

Firstly, a video about the conference was demonstrated.

Opening the event, the head of Ismayilli District Executive Authority Mirdamad Sadigov spoke about the scientific significance of the materials collected in the book and regarded the conference and new material as care and attention shown to the historical and cultural heritage of Azerbaijan.

The director of the Institute of Folklore, academician Mukhtar Imanov named a large volume of conference materials as a worthy contribution to the 100th anniversary of the People's Republic of Azerbaijan and praised the participation of local executive authorities and intellectuals in these events related to the culture and history of our people.

Later, the authors of the book - Ph.D. in philology Atash Ahmedli and PhD student of the Folklore Institute Dadash Aliyev spoke about the scientific and practical significance of the book and its principles of compilation.

It should be noted that an international conference organized by the Institute of Folklore, the Knowledge Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Ismayilli Region Executive Authority held on June 30, 2018 in Lahij settlement in accordance with the Presidential Decree of President Ilham Aliyev on the state celebration of the 100th jubilee of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic.

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