Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


30.05.2019 17:20
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Winners of the “Microorganisms through the eyes of children” competition are awarded

Winners of the “Microorganisms through the eyes of children” competition are awarded
Winners of the “Microorganisms through the eyes of children” competition are awarded
Winners of the “Microorganisms through the eyes of children” competition are awarded

ANAS Institute of Microbiology held an event on “Microorganisms through the eyes of children” devoted to the 28th of May-Republic Day.

Deputy Director of the Institute, corresponding member of ANAS Panah Muradov spoke about the creation of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic and its historical significance. He noted that, important decisions were made in the republic and special attention was paid to science and education.

ANAS Vice President, Director of the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, academician Irada Huseynova, spoke on the achievements made in modern independent Azerbaijan. Academician Irada Huseynova stressed the importance of science and education in society and stressed the importance of increasing the interest of young people in science.

Chairman of ANAS Council of Young Scientists and Specialists, Ph.D. in Physics, Associate Professor Famin Salmanov emphasized the role of such measures in increasing students' interest in science.

Chairman of the organizing committee of the event, head of the laboratory of the Institute of Microbiology, associate professor Konul Bakhshaliyeva noted that, the development of Azerbaijani science is one of the main tasks. The purpose of the competition is to provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate their scientific achievements.

At the end of the competition, the students' works were demonstrated, the handwork features were evaluated by the jury. The winners were awarded the diplomas and cash prizes, and students whose works were distinguished by their originality were awarded gifts and certificates.

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