Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Foreign scientist visited ANAS Republican Seismic Survey Center
12.09.2014 00:00
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Foreign scientist visited ANAS Republican Seismic Survey Center

Dr. Robert Reilinger, project manager of “Geodynamics of the Eastern Mediterranean and the Caucasus”, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Mike Floyd, researcher of MIT's Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planets, Vadim Milyukov, professor of Moscow State University, as well as delegates of Turkey's Yildiz Technical University and Georgian Ilia State University were visited Monitoring Center of the Republican Seismological Survey Center (RSSC).

Noted that, guests are in Baku within the project of “International workshop dedicated to discussion of obtained results on the geodynamic conditions of Azerbaijan and neighboring areas based on GPS monitoring and autumn school for young scientists”.

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