Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


ANAS Institute of Geography held educational-methodic training for Civil Defense forces
13.06.2014 00:00
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ANAS Institute of Geography held educational-methodic training for Civil Defense forces

ANAS Institute of Geography held educational-methodic training for Civil Defense (CD) forces. In the meeting were attended the head of the Civil Defense, director of the institute, corresponding member of ANAS, professor Ramiz Mammadov, Emergency Response Commission (ERC) chairman - deputy director for scientific affairs, Dr. Geography Elbrus Alizadeh, scientific secretary Luisa Salayeva, ERC and CD members of the institute.

Opening the event R. Mammadov spoke about the issues on the agenda. He delivered lecture on taken measures pursuant to application of the law “On the Civil Defense” issued by the President’s decree on April 18, 1998, decision of the Cabinet of Ministers dated September 25, 1998 “On the Civil Remedies” and on Civil Defense fulfillments in the institute in accordance with the requirements of the Special Department of ANAS.

Chief of CD Namazali Mustafayev informed about units’ (forces) activity, functional responsibilities during emergency situations.

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