Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Corresponding member of ANAS Ramiz Gurbanov is 85
29.10.2019 10:15
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Corresponding member of ANAS Ramiz Gurbanov is 85

On October 30, Ramiz Gurbanov, a celebrate scientist in solid matter mechanics and oil extraction technology, turns 85.

Ramiz Gurbanov was born in 1934 in Salyan. He graduated from the Oil Industry Faculty of the Azerbaijan Institute of Industry in 1956 with a degree in specialty "Exploration and Exploitation of Oil Fields."

Beginning his career at Oil and Gas Extraction Department after 26 Baku Commissioners as an operator, worked as a foreman, master and senior engineer for oil and gas production. Since 1861 he has been an assistant, senior lecturer, associate professor, professor at the Department of Theoretical Mechanics of the Azerbaijan Institute of Oil and Chemistry (AIOC). In 1968-1989 he worked at AIOC as the head of the Department of Theoretical Mechanics, vice-rector of the Institute for Scientific Affairs. In 1989-1990 he was rector of the Azerbaijan Pedagogical Institute.

Defended his PhD thesis on "Problems of determination of fluid and gas flow in oil business" in 1963, and doctoral thesis in 1968 - "Hydrodynamic features of non-Newtonian oil extraction". In 1989 he was elected a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan.

He is a celebrate scientist in the field of solid-body mechanics and oil extraction technology. The main area of scientific research of R. Gurbanov is the development of scientific bases for improving oil equipment and control systems with intellectual robots on the basis of Soft Computer.

He is the author of more than 250 scientific articles. Under his leadership 33 PhDs and 7 doctors of sciences were trained.

For his achievements in the development of science, he was awarded the State Prize of the Azerbaijan SSR and the title "Honorary Oilman of the USSR", including "For outstanding achievements in the field of higher education in the USSR", medals "Excellence in Azerbaijan Oil Industry", "Excellence in the Gas Industry of Azerbaijan".

Congratulations to corresponding member of ANAS Ramiz Gurbanov on the 85th anniversary and wish him success in his activities!

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