Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Congratulations to orientalist-scientist Govhar Bakhshaliyeva on jubilee!
25.11.2019 16:44
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Congratulations to orientalist-scientist Govhar Bakhshaliyeva on jubilee!

On November 26, an orientalist-scientist, deputy of Milli Majlis of AR, director of the Institute of Oriental Studies named after acad. Ziya Bunyadov academic Govhar Bakhshaliyeva turns 65.

Govhar Bakhshali gizi Bakhshaliyeva was born on November 26, 1954 in Barda. In 1972, she finished the secondary school # 212 in Baku and entered the Faculty of Oriental Studies at the Azerbaijan State University (now Baku State University). In 1977, after graduating with honors from the University,s he started working at the Institute of Oriental Studies. Bakhshaliyeva worked as a senior laboratory assistant, junior researcher, researcher, chief researcher, department head during 1977-1993. From 1993 to 2002 she worked as deputy director for science at the Institute of Oriental Studies, and since 2002 she is the head of the very Institute. G. Bakhshaliyeva has been a member of the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan since 2000.

She defended her PhD thesis on "Patriotism in Contemporary Syrian Literature" in 1984, and doctoral thesis in 1996 on "The Book of Songs" by Abul l-Faraj al-Isfahani” and "Classical Azerbaijani Literature". In 2014, was elected a corresponding member of ANAS, and in 2017 an active member.

G. Bakhshaliyeva is a researcher of national oriental and literary studies, who has played an important role in the development of classical and modern Arabic literature, Arabic-speaking Azerbaijan literature, comparative literature studies, literary relations, source studies, and other areas of oriental studies.

Under the guidance of the academician, socio-political, economic and cultural development of Eastern countries, history, philological, religious and philosophical heritage of written monuments of the Eastern peoples, East-West civilization relations, historical-cultural relations of Azerbaijan and Eastern people political, economic, diplomatic and cultural relations among the countries have been studied at the Institute of Oriental Studies.

G. Bakhshaliyeva, who successfully represents Azerbaijani science in many foreign countries, is also a true member of the International Academy of Sciences. She is also engaged in pedagogical activities and has taken a special course on Arabic Literature at the Faculty of Oriental Studies at Baku State University.

The results of her research were reflected in more than 220 articles, 17 books and 5 monographs. 21 PhD theses were defended under her supervision.

Congratulations on the 65th anniversary of the outstanding scientist of oriental studies, wish her robust health and successes in work!

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