Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


26.11.2019 17:12
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Workshop on military registration and reservation of military posts at ANAS

Workshop on military registration and reservation of military posts at ANAS

A workshop was held in ANAS in connection with issues of military registration and reservation of military posts.

With the organizational support of the Second special department of the Presidium of ANAS, a workshop was held in connection with issues of military registration and reservation of military posts in academic institutions and organizations of the Academy.

The event was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the State Service for Mobilization and Drafting for Military Service, as well as employees in charge of military registration and reservation of military posts in scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS.

Speaking at the workshop, head department Eldar Guliyev, said that the event was dedicated to fulfilling the order of the President of the Academy “On the status of work on military registration and reservation of military posts in scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS and preparing the annual report in this area” dated October 9, 2019, number 672. E. Guliyev noted that work in this direction is being carried out in accordance with the Law “On Military Position and Military Service”.

Recalling that Azerbaijan lives in conditions of war, E. Guliyev said that the Academy regularly monitors the training of draftees. Second Special Department provides regular assistance to scientific institutions and organizations in conducting accurate and high-quality military registration. E. Guliyev brought to attention that the annual report (form 6) on the number of military posts reserved for mobilization and wartime would be prepared before January 1, 2019, agreed by the local district department of the Civil Service and presented in the Second Special Department.

Further, head of the Mobilization Department of the Ministry of Economy Bahruz Mammadov noted that this issue is constantly in the spotlight of ANAS and that military registration and reservation of works were carried out at the highest level and were exemplary throughout the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan. In this regard, he thanked the staff of the Second Special Division. A ministry spokesman said the version of “Form 6” and the rules for recruiting military personnel would be submitted to government bodies and organizations.

Further, deputy head of the Main Directorate for Mobilization Preparation and Mobilization of the State Service for Mobilization and Conscription, Colonel-Lieutenant Shaig Mammadov delivered a lecture on the nuances of recruitment in departments and organizations.

At the workshop, speeches were also listened regarding the work performed this year on military registration and reservation of military posts in scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS.

In conclusion, a number of current issues were scheduled.

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