Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


13.12.2019 17:59
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Academician Mohsun Naghisoylu was on a scientific mission to Turkey

Academician Mohsun Naghisoylu was on a scientific mission to Turkey

Director of the Institute of Linguistics of ANAS named after Nasimi, academician Mohsun Naghisoylu, was on a scientific mission to the capital of Turkey, Ankara.

During his visit, he delivered lectures on the topics “Azerbaijani language: yesterday and today” and “Ways to enrich the styles of the literary language in Azerbaijan during the years of independence” in a workshop organized for students and teachers of the faculty of Turkish language and literature of the University of Hajettepe. The lectures aroused great interest of students studying modern Turkish languages, including Azerbaijani.

Academician M. Naghisoylu also informed about the activities of the Institute of Linguistics and the work done in this scientific institution, and responded numerous questions of students.

In addition, an Azerbaijani scientist visited the Turkish Linguistic Society and met with the head of this organization, Professor Gurer Gulsevin. The meeting discussed the prospects for cooperation between the two structures.

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