Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Discussed five-year action plan of the Sheki Regional Scientific Center
17.01.2020 16:52
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Discussed five-year action plan of the Sheki Regional Scientific Center

The next meeting of Scientific Council of Sheki Regional Scientific Center of ANAS (SRSC) was held on January 17.

The first issue on the agenda of the meeting was the approval of the work plans of the Center's departments and research staff. At the event, heads of the departments of the organization informed the council members of the work plans for 2020-2024.

Later, director of the SRSC, Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, Associate Professor Yusif Shukurlu presented the draft version of the 2019 report to be discussed by the Presidium of ANAS.

Finally, extensive discussions were held on both issues and appropriate decisions were accepted.

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