Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Today is World Anthropology Day
20.02.2020 09:00
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Today is World Anthropology Day

Every year, the third Thursday of February is celebrated worldwide as World Anthropology Day.

World Anthropology Day, founded by the American Anthropological Association, is celebrated on February 20 this year. The celebration of this day is aimed at increasing interest in anthropological science, which explores the history of mankind, in other words, the social and biological characteristics of man.

Currently, in the USA, Germany, England, Italy and other countries, there are scientific institutions, organizations and courses in anthropology, curricula, monographs, and scientific collections in this field are being developed.

Anthropology in Azerbaijan began to be studied after independence. Today, important work is being done in our country to develop anthropology, bring it into line with modern anthropological science, identify priority topics, modern theories in this area, and develop a concept for anthropological science. The main direction of research by anthropologists of the country is to study the historical roots of the tolerance of the Azerbaijani people, the formation of Azerbaijanis as a socio-cultural community and the identification of their identities.

Considerable work is being done in the direction of the development of anthropological science in ANAS.The Center for Anthropology operates at the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of ANAS, which conducts research on many problems of anthropology, and pays special attention to the training of highly qualified personnel. Admission to the master’s under the ANAS is also carried out in the specialty "Anthropology".

In addition, a vivid example is the creation of the Scientific Council on Archeology, Ethnography and Anthropology of the Council for the Coordination of Scientific Research of the Republic of Azerbaijan. by decision of the Presidium of ANAS.

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