Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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02.03.2020 09:20
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Azerbaijan's first female mathematician

Azerbaijan's first female mathematician

Maya Huseynali gizi Hajiyeva was born in 1914 in Shusha. Having studied primary school in Shusha in 1914, then graduated from real school. From 1928 to 1931 she studied at Shusha Pedagogical College.

Maya Hajiyeva, who showed great interest in the exact sciences, came to Baku and was admitted to the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of the Azerbaijan Pedagogical Institute named after V.I. Lenin. She became a high school student with her abilities and graduated in 1935. The management of the Institute takes care of talented young people and sends them to Moscow for further education. Thus, in 1935-1938, M.Hajiyeva studied at the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov and then returned to Baku. Young Maya begins her career as an assistant at Azerbaijan State University (AUL). She also works at the Department of Theoretical Physics of the former API (1939-1941) and then at the Higher Mathematics Department of the former Azerbaijan Industrial Institute (1943-1952).

The outbreak of World War II causes Maya to change her course in scientific pursuits. She studied in postgraduate study at AUL in 1941-1943 and defended her thesis on "Border Issues for Helmhols' Equation". Next year, by the decision of the Academic Council of AUL, she received a PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Thus, Maya Hajiyeva is remembered as the first female mathematician in Azerbaijan. Her first monograph was awarded the highest prize in the competition of young scientists of Azerbaijan in 1945.

Maya, who has been working as an Associate Professor at the Department of Theoretical Mechanics at BSU since 1944, has been teaching for more than half a century and has been awarded the highest honors by government and high school management.

In 1999, Baku State University celebrates the 60th and 85th anniversary of Maya Hajiyeva's scientific and pedagogical activity. However, a few months later, in early September, Mrs. Maya passed away and earned eternity in memory of her students.

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