Another success was achieved in the framework of the project “Researchers of Tomorrow”, jointly organized by the Nakhchivan Division of ANAS and the Ministry of Education of the Autonomous Republic of Nakhchivan. Under the auspices of Sure Rahimova, senior researcher of the Institute of Bioresources of the Division, PhD in Biology, a student of the ninth grade of Nakhchivan full secondary school Zumrud Babazadeh’s research work dubbed “Extraction of dye from Sarichicek, Boyurtken and Yunangozu plants, spreading on the territory of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic”.
During the project implementation, yellow, red and dark brown extracts that could be used as natural dyes were obtained from plants using various solvents. The extracts were concentrated and their possibilities for use as dyes were investigated. It was found that the extracts obtained in the food industry, carpet weaving, dyeing, etc. can be applied.
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