Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Decision made on the anniversaries of prominent academics of ANAS
16.10.2014 00:00
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Decision made on the anniversaries of prominent academics of ANAS

During the meeting of the Presidium of ANAS was decided on the 90th anniversary of academician Magsud Aliyev, the 75th anniversary of academician Tayyar Jafarov, 80th anniversary of correspondent member of ANAS Ramiz Gurbanov and the 75th anniversary of correspondent member of ANAS Ali Nuriyev.

According to the decision, taking into account the merits in Azerbaijan science development and in connection with the anniversaries Maghsud Aliyev, Tayyar Jafarov, Ramiz Gurbanov, and Ali Nuriyev were awarded with the Honorary Diploma of ANAS. It was also decided to solicit for appropriate government agencies for the purpose to award jubilarians.

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