Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Scientists of the Ganja Division sent an appeal to the head of state
16.04.2020 14:50
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Scientists of the Ganja Division sent an appeal to the head of state

The chairman of the Ganja Division of ANAS, academician Fuad Aliyev, head of the Department of Local History, professor Hasanbala Sadigov, professor Yusifli Khalil and other scientists of the Division have sent an appeal to President Ilham Aliyev in connection with a special quarantine regime introduced in the country to combat the coronavirus pandemic. The appeal says:

Dear Mr. President!

Many countries around the world, finding themselves helpless in the fight against the coronavirus threatening all of humanity, were forced to ask for help. Thanks to your farsighted policy and timely decisions, today our country is an example of the state that has been least affected by the pandemic. Indeed, under your wise leadership in our country, effective measures have been taken to combat this scourge, important steps have been taken to improve the welfare of the population.

You always protect the citizens of Azerbaijan, and support for each of us as a true leader.

On behalf of all the Ganja people, we wish you success in your activities in the name of the sustainable development of Azerbaijan and solving crucial issues for our country, and most importantly, good health.

Republic of Azerbaijan, Ganja city.

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