Members of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics of ANAS have attended the international conference in Italy. PhD in Geology and Mineralogy Malahat Efendiyeva, Gulnar Ismayilova and junior researcher Raksana Asgarova were attended the international conference of the Regional Committee on Mediterranean Neogene Stratigraphy “Messina salinity crisis: in the field of geology and geo biology” organized in the city of Turin. there were reports devoted to the stratigraphy, paleontology, lithology and paleogeography of various regions of the Alps. Also, were informed about the latest developments in various fields of Earth Sciences in the event, which were made lectures by scientists from the UK, Germany, France, Russia, Italy and other European countries.
M. Efendiyeva spoke on “New information on the paleogeography of the Maikop paleobasin that existed on the territory of Azerbaijan”, G. Ismayilova - on “Peculiarities of protection pliosennyh collectors in the depths of the South Caspian Basin,” R. Askerova - on “Oil and gas fields and features of the structural aspects of the stratigraphic and lithologic types in the territory of the Lower Kura depression (based on models)”.
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