On November 13, 2014 in Baku by organization of Interregional Research Institute of United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice (UNICRI) and Department of fundamental problems of the biological productivity of ANAS Institute of Botany was held the scientific-practical seminar “Molecular identification of phytoplasmas. The event was opened by Head of Laboratory of bioadaptation Department of fundamental problems of biological efficiency of Institute of Botany, academician Irada Guseynova. She noted that the scientific and practical seminar is held within the “Strengthening of Opportunities of Bio safety and Bio protection in the Countries of South Caucasus and Central Asia”,Interregional Research Institute of United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice (UNICRI) and within the project “Molecular diagnosis of various diseases in Azerbaijan imported crops, seeds and foods with of GMO.” And it is the second scientific and practical seminar held within this project, and the first was devoted to “Molecular definition of vegetable viruses” (on September 16-18, 2014). and products with GMO”. It was also noted that protection of plants against pathogens, special viruses and phytoplasmas along with an important problem from the economic point of view, is also one of the priority directions of modern scientific researches. As well as in many countries of the world, in Azerbaijan the agriculture takes the advanced position in national economy too. Research of pathogens, in particular viruses and phytoplasmas, - causative agents of diseases in strategically important crops is an actual problem of agriculture of the country. Researches of phytoplasma diseases in Azerbaijan for the first time were begun in 2005 by ANAS Department of fundamental problems of biological fertility of Institute of botany under the leadership of academician Jalal Aliyev. In a short time in this area have been achieved important results, which were published in journals with high impact factor. Laboratories of institute establish close scientific cooperation with the leading research centers of Europe. At the seminar research associate of Laboratory of bioadaptation, PhD in biology Gulnara Balakishieva made report on “Phytoplasma diseases of plants”. In summary it was noted that carrying out of such action in Baku with the participation of doctoral students and young scientists and specialists of the Institute of Botany of ANAS, Scientific-Research Institute of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture AP Biology and Ecology Faculty of Baku State University, Azerbaijan State Agrarian University, Ganja agribusiness Association can be considered a significant step on the path to mastering new methods of young researchers in this field.
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