On December 27, the next meeting of the Presidium of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences was held.
The event was attended by the President of ANAS, Academician Isa Habibbeyli, members of the Presidium, department heads of the Presidium administration, and relevant individuals.
The meeting was opened by Academician Isa Habibbeyli, who provided information on the agenda of the event.
Firstly, the memory of those who lost their lives in the crash of a passenger plane belonging to Azerbaijan Airlines (AZAL) near Aktau, Kazakhstan, was honored with a one-minute silence.
The first topic discussed at the meeting was “Doctoral Education: Current Situation, International Experience, and Upcoming Tasks”.
Academician Isa Habibbeyli mentioned that, for the first time in the history of ANAS, the department head of the Presidium administration delivered a report at a Presidium meeting, and the reforms implemented in this direction will continue in the future.
Later, the Head of the Department of Science and Education of the Presidium administration of ANAS, Doctor of philological sciences Sarkhan Khaveri, delivered a report on the topic “Doctoral Education: Current Situation, International Experience, and Upcoming Tasks”. He touched upon the current situation in the field of highly qualified personnel training through doctoral education and presented a number of tasks by reviewing international experience.
Sarkhan Khaveri spoke about the normative and legal framework regulating doctoral studies, the legal and philosophical specifics, and the structural features of doctoral education, and evaluated them in the context of the Bologna principles. Additionally, the doctoral education at ANAS, important statistical indicators related to it, scientific fields and specialties in doctoral education at ANAS, their distribution across scientific institutions, were also brought into focus. The report also highlighted the new challenges of world science, the development of ICT and artificial intelligence technologies, and the increasing trends in multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary fields. It emphasized the necessity of revisiting the classification of specialties at the doctoral education level in the context of these changes. Other topics included the annual admission plan for doctoral studies in the republic, the ratio between the number of admissions and defenses, existing trends in this field and their possible outcomes, mechanisms for evaluating dissertations, international experience, and international collaborations related to doctoral education at ANAS.
In the report, the second main direction was the review of international experience and the current situation in the republic concerning doctoral education at the content level. This included the content specifics of doctoral education, the philosophical platform of PhD in international experience, the logical sequence of the scientific research process in the most general model, the relationship between scientific facts and the construction of thought, formulating the scientific problem, approaches to the content of doctoral education in Azerbaijan, and the characteristic problems observed at the content level in the preparation of scientific research work-dissertations for the Doctor of Science and Doctor of Philosophy.
After the report was presented, extensive discussions were held on the topic. Academicians Arif Hashimov, Dilgam Taghiyev, Rasim Aliguliyev, Irada Huseynova, Govhar Bakhshaliyeva, corresponding member of ANAS Artegin Salamzade, PhD in Mathematics and Associate Professor Fariz Imranov, Professor Ilham Mammadzade, and Doctor of Philosophy Fuzuli Gurbanov spoke, praising the report highly, addressing the existing problems in doctoral education, and offering their suggestions.
Speaking on the matter, Academician Isa Habibbeyli emphasized the importance of improving the level of doctoral education at ANAS for the future of our science. He noted that attention and care for doctoral students should be further increased, and necessary support must be provided by institute directors and department heads in publishing scientific works and other organizational tasks. The head of ANAS stated that among the upcoming goals are preparing proposals for updating the regulation on doctoral education and aligning doctoral education with global practices.
Taking into account the issues rose in the report and the proposals put forward during the discussions, the Presidium of ANAS adopted a resolution addressing several areas. To prepare proposals for improving the process of training highly qualified scientific personnel at the doctoral education level, in line with global experience, create a database of topics for doctoral students and postgraduates preparing for Doctor of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees. In light of recent rapid changes in global science, development of ICT, artificial intelligence technologies, and more, prepare proposals to improve the “Classification of Specialties at the Doctoral Level of Higher Education” in mutual cooperation with other relevant state institutions, strengthen control in scientific institutions over the fulfillment of work plans by doctoral students, implement measures to equip doctoral students and candidates with scientometric knowledge and skills and so on. Additionally, specific instructions were given to relevant institutions of the Academy of Sciences.
The next issue discussed at the meeting was the approval of the comprehensive plan for the scientific-research works to be conducted at ANAS in 2025. Academician Isa Habibbeyli mentioned that the plans, discussed and approved in the Humanities and Social Sciences Divisions of ANAS, were systematized by the Science and Education Department of the Presidium administration of ANAS and presented for discussion by the Presidium of ANAS.
The comprehensive plan for the scientific-research works to be carried out at ANAS in 2025 was approved by the Presidium, and it was instructed that quarterly and annual final report on the completed works be submitted to the relevant scientific divisions.
Later, the issue of celebrating the 100th anniversary of Central Scientific Library of ANAS was discussed at the meeting. The Director of the library, Doctor of Technical Sciences Huseyn Huseynov stated that in August 2025, it will be the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Central Scientific Library of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. The creation of the library began with the establishment of the office of bibliography of the Azerbaijan Society of Research and Investigation on November 4, 1923, and on August 19, 1925, a resolution was adopted at a meeting of the Presidium of the Central Council of the Society to merge the activities of the office of bibliography and the library, thus determining the legal status of the library.
It was noted that in the context of the recent changes within the Academy over the past two years, the Central Scientific Library has also entered a new phase of reforms, initiated by the President of ANAS, Academician Isa Habibbeyli. The main goal of these reforms is not only store, preserve knowledge, and ensure ICT capabilities within the framework of the “Electronic Library” concept but also to direct these activities towards scientific research. It was emphasized that the core focus of the library’s renewed activities today is the development and implementation of a modern model of the service system for readers, within the context of global library and information processes.
The Presidium adopted a decision to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Central Scientific Library of ANAS.
The next issue discussed at the meeting was the establishment of the journal “Scientific Works” (Series of Social-Humanities and Natural Sciences) of the Lankaran Regional Scientific Center of ANAS.
Academician Isa Habibbeyli noted that one of the key directions of the comprehensive reforms being carried out at ANAS is the organization of scientific activities of regional scientific divisions and centers at a level meeting modern requirements. This also involves further improving their scientific activities, taking into account the unique characteristics of the region. To ensure a more systematic and purposeful organization of these activities, the leadership of ANAS regularly visits regional scientific divisions and centers, closely reviews their scientific activities on-site, listens to scientists, and provides appropriate instructions.
Academician Isa Habibbeyli recalled his participation in the reporting meeting of the Lankaran Regional Scientific Center held this month and stated that he provided several recommendations, suggestions, and directives regarding the further strengthening of the center’s scientific activities and the expansion of scientific relations, taking into account the specific characteristics of the region.
Following these directives, the leadership of the center appealed to the President of ANAS for the establishment of a scientific journal titled “Scientific Works” (Series of Social-Humanities and Natural Sciences) of the Lankaran Regional Scientific Center.
Taking these matters into account, the Presidium of ANAS adopted a decision to establish the journal “Scientific Works” and approved its Editorial Board.
The next issue discussed at the meeting of the Presidium of ANAS was the transition to electronic document circulation at ANAS and the tasks ahead.
Speaking on the matter, the academic secretary of ANAS, Academician Arif Hashimov stated that several measures have been taken to create and ensure the efficient operation of the Electronic Document Circulation System at ANAS. These measures included updating the network infrastructure, advancing electronic science and other issues. He noted that as a result of these efforts, the Electronic Document Circulation System established at ANAS has been integrated into the country’s digital document circulation subsystem, enabling document exchange with other state bodies (institutions).
Subsequently, Asmar Aliyeva, Head of the Document Management and Protocol Department of the Presidium administration of ANAS, PhD in Philology, provided details on the work done to organize the Electronic Document Circulation System within ANAS. She stated that collaboration was established with ASAN Service to connect the Presidium administration of ANAS and its subordinate institutions to the Electronic Document Circulation System, ensuring the creation of user profiles and the organization of training sessions. Additionally, the transition to real-time use of the Electronic Document Circulation System was implemented in stages. The process of transitioning to electronic document circulation within the Presidium administration of ANAS and its affiliated scientific institutions, organizations, and centers has been successfully completed.
The department head also presented several statistical figures related to the use of the Electronic Document Circulation System following the transition.
Speaking on the matter, Academician Isa Habibbeyli noted that the Document Management and Protocol Department had implemented important measures in a short period, related to connecting ANAS to the country’s Electronic Document Circulation System. He underlined that the department’s staff conducted training sessions for relevant personnel at the Academy’s scientific institutions and organizations, highly appreciating the department’s work.
During the meeting, a decision was also made to celebrate the 85th anniversary of Academician Javad Abdinov.
Reyhan Majidli, Public Relations, Press and Information Department of the Presidium Administration of ANAS
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