Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


The phenomenon of Mehriban Aliyeva in national statehood and humanism
25.08.2020 11:05
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The phenomenon of Mehriban Aliyeva in national statehood and humanism

Outstanding personalities demonstrate to the world the intellect, science, culture and spirituality of our people. The spiritual world of people is formed not only in labor and social activities, but also in the family.

National leader Heydar Aliyev

In the history of mankind, there is no such indigenous people who would not have a leader who would ensure its sustainable development at any difficult and fateful stage, forming the strategic and ideological structure of the institution of national statehood.

Rena Mirzazadeh, Head of Department at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of ANAS, Professor, Chairman of the Council of Women of ANAS

"Khalg" newspaper

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