Azerbaijan National Academy of Science

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


To: Professors and Academicians of Azerbaijan National Academy of Science
09.10.2020 20:13
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To: Professors and Academicians of Azerbaijan National Academy of Science

Akif Alizadeh, Ibrahim Guliyev and Fakhraddin Gadirov,

We unconditionally support the struggle of the Azerbaijani people to liberate their land. Seven regions of Azerbaijan, surrounding Garabakh and Garabakh itself, must be liberated - this is the primordially Azerbaijani land. Armenia actually - this is well known from historical documents - was created in the first third of the 19th century on the land of the Erivan Khanate (Azerbaijani land). But this was not enough for the Armenian state and they began to claim more.

More than 20% of Azerbaijani lands have been occupied since 1994, a million Azerbaijanis have lost their homes, property and place of residence. Numerous UN resolutions on the return of these occupied lands to Azerbaijan are not being implemented. Moreover, the Armenian side, feeling impunity, carries out more and more provocations against the peaceful Azerbaijani citizens.

We have always had excellent scientific and friendly relations with our Azerbaijani colleagues. We know that Azerbaijan is one of the few countries where there were no manifestations of anti-Semitism. Many famous Jewish scientists, cultural figures, famous doctors, architects, lawyers, sportsmen, etc. originally from Azerbaijan.

Unfortunately, the Armenian propaganda is doing its job, and many people do not understand that Azerbaijan is fighting for its ancestral land. We try to explain to certain people that it is not the Azerbaijani side that is the aggressor. Nevertheless, we believe that it is necessary for the professionals to get involved: for an impartial explanation of the fair policy of Azerbaijan, the opening of the Azerbaijani embassy in Israel would make no small sense.

We sincerely support your fight in Garabakh and wish the Azerbaijani troops continued success!

Sincerely yours, 

Zvi Ben Avraham

Professor of Geophysics Tel Aviv and Haifa Universities

Israel Prize winner

Member, Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities

Foreign member, Russian Academy of Sciences

Foreign Member, Academia Europaea

Foreign Member, Heidelberg Academy of Sciences

Foreign Member, Netherlands Academy of Arts & Science


Lev Eppelbaum

Research Professor of Geophysics Tel Aviv University

Recipient of the Christian Huygens medal, European Union of Geosciences

Recipient of the Vladimir Vernadsky medal, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences

Foreign member, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences

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