Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry named after acad. M. Naghiyev of ANAS held meeting with participation of department chiefs, young scientists and specialists in connection with the awarding on behalf “Academician Murtuza Naghiyev”.
Opening the meeting acad. Dilgam Taghiyev, academician-secretary of ANAS Department of Chemical Sciences director of the institute spoke about the achievements of the youth for 2014 who operates in the institute. Later on, he drew attention to the delivery terms of “Award on behalf of Academician Murtuza Mukhtarov”. Notifying the creation of the commission in connection with the presentation of the award, Dilgam Taghiyev stressed out the nomination of 6 young candidates from the institute. Commission highly estimated performance of three of the nominated candidates.
Then, acad. Dilgam Taghiyev aired the names of young scientists and specialist who was deserved to “Award on behalf of Academician Murtuza Mukhtarov”.
In the event, PhD in chemistry senior researcher Dunya Babanli, researcher Nurana Malikova, and Samira Mammadova were deserved to “Award on behalf of academician Murtuza Naghiyev” for excellence in activity.
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