Azerbaijan National Academy of Science

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Academician Arif Pashayev delivered a report at the international conference "Perspective Problems of Engineering Science"
16.05.2021 15:15
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Academician Arif Pashayev delivered a report at the international conference "Perspective Problems of Engineering Science"

Moscow hosted an international scientific-practical conference "Perspective Problems of  Engineering Science", dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Academy of  Engineering of the USSR, Russian and International Academy of Engineering, as well as the 85th anniversary of the President of the International Academy of Engineering (BMA) B.V. Gusev,and the Russian Academy of Engineering (RMA).

94 people from 17 countries took part in the conference. The event was organized in a remote format in connection with the coronavirus pandemic.

The first speech was made by the President of  BMA and RMA, Academician Boris Gusev.Then the participants of the conference were greeted by the honorary president of  BMA, the founder of the International Tan Prize.

President of the Azerbaijan Academy of  Engineering, Academician Arif Pashayev made a report "Priorities of Azerbaijan: energy projects and the development of scientific directions". Congratulating on the 85th anniversary, Arif Pashayev said: “You are a visible representative of the Russian Intellectual Foundation and a talented organizer-scientist. Your activity plays a major role in uniting the scientific and engineering associations of  Russia, the CIS and far abroad. This date was marked as the last report of your life, full of creative activity and progressive ideas, and we are pleased to work with such a person, as you, in the field of science and technology as a whole".

The next report was made by the Vice-President of  the Academy, Academician Ahad Dzhanakhmedov on "Tribokinetic models of  interaction of  frictional elements in the process of splitting".

During the conference, 20 reports were presented.


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