Azerbaijan National Academy of Science

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


The international conference dedicated to the 190th anniversary of Khurshidbanu Natavan to be held
11.01.2022 12:15
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The international conference dedicated to the 190th anniversary of Khurshidbanu Natavan to be held

On June 14, 2022, National Museum of Azerbaijani Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS will host an international scientific conference on the topic "Khan gizi Natavan and the literary and cultural struggle of the Azerbaijani women", dedicated to the 190th anniversary of prominent representative of Azerbaijani poetry, governmental figure Khurshidbanu Natavan.

Sections and terms of writing articles for the conference are the following:


1. Environment, life, literary and cultural heritage of Khurshidbanu Natavan

2. The tradition of literary and musical assemblies in Azerbaijan and in the Middle East

3. Literary and cultural heritage of Karabakh as a cultural chronicle of historical socio-political processes in the region and around Azerbaijan

4. Karabakh realities in "Karabakh" with historical content and literary monuments

5. The place of creative and socially active women in the literary and cultural environment and in the historical and political processes of the Middle East

6. The Azerbaijani Khanate and the Karabakh Khanate in the context of the traditions of national statehood

Rules of article compilation:

The text should be submitted in the editor of Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx);

The volume of articles should consist of 5-7 pages, including keywords, annotations and bibliography;

The article should be written in Times New Roman font size 12 pt, line spacing, equal 1.5;

The page options in the text should be as follows:

Right side -1cm

Left foot - 3cm

Blow and above - 2 cm.

At the beginning of the text should be written the title of the report in bold letters and bold font, followed by a line of letters and bold font - the name, surname of the author, and under it scientific degree or rank with the syllable letters (usually), place of work and e-mail address.

If the text of the article is written in the Azerbaijani language, then the annotation should be prepared in English, if the test is in the English language, then the annotation should be prepared in the Azerbaijani language; if the texts are written in Russian, Persian, Arabic, then, the annotation - in Azerbaijani and English.

At the beginning of the text it is necessary to indicate not less than 5 key words in accordance with the languages ​​on which the article and annotation are written.

The bibliography should be compiled in alphabetical order and in accordance with the requirements of the SAC, links in the article are given in parentheses (template: [5, p.12]).

Annotation of articles in different languages ​​should be the same, written in accordance with the content of the article. In the annotation it is necessary to find the scientific reflection of the author, the scientific novelty of the work, the significance of the application, etc. Each annotation must contain the full name of the author, as well as the title of the article. The annotation should consist of 100-150 words.

Deadline for article submission: April 15, 2022

The organizing committee reserves the right to make corrections to the text of the articles (without changing the general content), as well as to reject materials that do not correspond to the topic of the conference.

Contact the organizing committee:

Address: AZ1005, Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku city, Istiglaliyat street, 53

Phone.: (+994 12) 4927286


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