Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Academician Arif Hashimov: “After the historic victory, Azerbaijan, whose influence in the world and in the region has become very strong, entered a new stage of its development”
27.04.2022 11:35
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Academician Arif Hashimov: “After the historic victory, Azerbaijan, whose influence in the world and in the region has become very strong, entered a new stage of its development”

On April 27, the General meeting of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences was held.

Acting president of ANAS, academician Arif Hashimov made an opening speech at the event. Noting that the General meeting is dedicated to the report on the scientific and scientific-organizational activities of the National Academy of Sciences, which is the main center of fundamental and Applied Research in the country in 2021, the academician said that last year was remembered for a number of successes in the socio-economic and cultural-spiritual development of the Republic.

Among them, academician Arif Hashimov, noting several important events, noted that this is due to the holding of a series of events related to the 880th anniversary of Nizami Ganjavi, the solemn celebration of the anniversary of the historic victory over the enemy under the leadership of the President of Azerbaijan, Victorious Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev, numerous visits of Mr. President to the territories liberated from occupation, which have become special events in the socio-political and the cultural life of the country, the grandiose festival “Kharibulbul” and Vagif Poetry Days were held in Shusha. He also stressed that the reconstruction and construction works carried out in the liberated territories, in particular the commissioning of the Fuzuli International Airport, the strengthening of victory, numerous political and diplomatic initiatives aimed at strengthening the authority of Azerbaijan in the region and the world, the signing of the “Shusha Declaration” with friendly, fraternal Turkey, awarding Mr. President Ilham Aliyev the highest the Order of the Turkic World, are important historical moments.

“All these are just a few of the events that created the overall picture of last year and marked the main directions of Azerbaijan's strategic development line. Thus, Azerbaijan, whose influence in the world and in the region has greatly strengthened after the historic victory, entered a new stage of its development,” said academician Arif Hashimov.

The speaker noted that 2021 was remembered with a number of events in the field of science in accordance with the general development processes in the country, continued fundamental and applied research of scientists working in scientific institutions of the Republic, achieved a number of important results and successes in the field of scientific and scientific-organizational activities. He said that this year some changes have been made to the format of the General meeting, unlike previous years, reports will be presented not by the academician-secretary of the Academy, but by the vice-presidents leading the divisions. He said that the main purpose of the change is to present more detailed scientific research and organizational work carried out by the divisions, which are the main leading structure of the Academy and to hold more effective discussions.

Recalling that, according to the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated April 9, 2018, March 27 was established in the Republic as a “Science Day”, the head of ANAS noted that due to the limitations created by the coronavirus pandemic in recent years, it is impossible to mark the “Science Day” at the proper level: “This year, an action plan dedicated to the “Science Day” was prepared on the basis of proposals submitted by scientific divisions, enterprises and organizations of ANAS, as the conditions of the quarantine regime in connection with the pandemic mitigated. These measures are aimed at strengthening the authority of scientific activity in society, popularizing science, evaluating the work of scientists, promoting them to new scientific achievements and successes, etc. it covers directions”.

Academician Arif Hashimov noted that it was decided to celebrate the summit of events related to the “Science Day” on a single day with the General meeting and a number of events were organized within the framework of the meeting, including an exhibition of achievements of the Academy, which will operate until April 29: “Starting today, the exhibition will operate within three days. Representatives of scientific and educational institutions of the Republic, pupils, students, our citizens can come and get acquainted with the exhibition when they want.”

After the introductory speech of academician Arif Hashimov, reports of scientific divisions of ANAS on scientific and scientific-organizational activities in 2021 were heard.

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