Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Division of Physical, Mathematical and Technical Sciences reports on its activity in 2021
27.04.2022 11:58
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Division of Physical, Mathematical and Technical Sciences reports on its activity in 2021

On April 27, at the General meeting of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, a report on the scientific and scientific-organizational activities of the Division of Physical, Mathematical and Technical Sciences (DPMTS) for 2021 was heard.

Presenting the report, vice-president of ANAS, academician Rasim Alguliyev informed about the work carried out in the direction of execution of tasks arising from various Decrees, Orders and state programs signed by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the institutions and organizations of the DBMTS, scientific and technical expertise of state documents.

R.Alguliyev noted that, guided by the tasks arising from the calls of the head of state, scientific and practical support was given to the work carried out in the direction of restoration, reconstruction and development of the liberated territories of the DBMTS scientific institutions.

Speaking about the state of human resources potential at DBMTS, vice-president of ANAS said that a total of 948 researchers work in the scientific institutions of the division, 353 of them are philosophy, 165 are doctors of sciences. He noted that in the reporting year, 13 doctors of science and 32 doctors of philosophy defended their dissertations in the institutes of the division.

Then academician R.Alguliyev informed the participants of the General meeting about the important scientific results obtained at the DBMTS: “In 2021, 7 problems were studied in 111 scientific areas in the scientific institutions of the division on 45 topics, a number of important scientific results were achieved”.

The vice-president noted that the indicators of human potential by age categories are not encouraging, the reasons that created this problem and the ways to eliminate them.

R.Alguliyev also informed about the important scientific results obtained in the section, implemented grant projects and application and innovative activities.

According to the academician, out of 1755 scientific works published in the reporting year, 1075 were published in foreign journals. Of these, 449 were published in the prestigious journals “Web of Science” and “Scopus”, 623 of them were published in journals indexed in international databases. R.Alguliyev also drew attention to the problem of lack of financial support for the publication of articles in authoritative scientific bases.

Speaking about the prospects for cooperation with science and educational institutions, R.Alguliyev emphasized the importance of establishment of departments of higher schools in scientific institutions of DBMTS, preparation of textbooks for secondary and specialized schools, as well as implementation of joint projects with general education institutions of the republic.

Emphasizing the need for training of personnel in new specialties and fields of knowledge that meet the global challenges of the modern era, the vice-president said that most of these fields of knowledge and specialties are characterized by the wide application of mathematics and informatics.

Then, academician Rasim Alguliyev also touched upon the issue of restructuring the organization, management and coordination of science and made a number of proposals in this direction.

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