Azerbaijan National Academy of Science

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Corresponding member of ANAS Zeynal Akparov participated in an international event in Italy
15.10.2015 12:03
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Corresponding member of ANAS Zeynal Akparov participated in an international event in Italy

Director of the Institute of Genetic Resources (IGR) of ANAS, Chairman of the Scientific and Technical Council on genetic resources of cultivated plants, corresponding member of ANAS Zeynal Akbarov  was a scientific mission in Italy. At the 6th session of the governing body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, which was held in Rome, Z.Akperov represented Azerbaijan as the national coordinator for Plant Genetic Resources.

In an important international event with representatives from more than 150 countries of the world, wide topic of discussion were the issues related to the current state of conservation of plant genetic resources against the background of global environmental change (BGE), the national legislation of their exchange and management, duties and rights of States, the problem of improving international legislation and the coordination of, the rights of plant breeders and farmers, strengthening the global information system.

Correspondent member of ANAS Z. Akperov held formal and informal meetings with the chairman of the governing body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources Dr. Shaquille Bhatti, as well as senior officials of the Commission of genetic resources FAO during the session.

The parties exchanged views on issues of mutual interest. Dr. Shakil Bhatti and officials expressed their satisfaction over the improvement in Azerbaijan of national legislation and management in the field of protection and efficient use of plant genetic resources in recent years to strengthen the scientific, technical and educational activities, as well as positions taken by our country in international relations. Including the activities was approved activities of IGR ANAS as the national coordinator.

Z.Akperov stressed that despite the fact that Azerbaijan has not yet acceded to the International Treaty, it continues to support the multi-faceted cooperation ties with the Governing Body in their respective fields, as well as parties and structures FAO. He drew attention to the leading role of Azerbaijan in the region in the field of BGE, and also spoke about the steps the country, aimed at becoming a full member of the International Treaty for a short time.

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