Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


28.10.2015 17:43
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Azerbaijan and German scientists carry out joint researches in mud volcanoes

Azerbaijan and German scientists carry out joint researches in mud volcanoes

German scientist hold researches in mud volcanoes of the country with their colleagues and study geodynamic processes. In this regard, specialists of the Centre for Marine Environmental Research dubbed “MARUM” at University of Bremen, Germany came to Baku. Research assistant of the Department of marine geotechnical engineering of the center Gawain Wimer and technical engineer Timo Flashman carry out joint field work, together with the head of the Department of radiometry of the geological environment of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics (IGG) of ANAS, corresponding member of ANAS, Professor Chingiz Aliyev at the mud volcano of Dashgil. With the help of equipment made in the MARUM located in the territory of a volcano, experts will determine the temperature and p carry out joint field work, together with the head of the Department of radiometry of the geological environment of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics (IGG) of ANAS, corresponding member of ANAS, professor Chingiz Aliyev at the mud volcano Dashgil. With the help of a volcano located on the territory of equipment made in the MARUM, experts will determine the temperature and pore pressure.

Ch.Aliev notes that research using these technologies held since 2004. The equipment, which has now even more opportunities through long-term monitoring to detect changes in temperature and pressure in the crater of the volcano, occurring as a result of geodynamic processes. The researchers then analyze the findings of the ongoing processes in the environment, which will allow for a more accurate study of the state eco geological and seismic conditions.

Field work will be carried out within 4 days.

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