Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


02.12.2015 11:16
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Institute of Information Technologies held scientific seminar on International Information Security day

Institute of Information Technologies held scientific seminar on International Information Security day

Opening the ceremony Academician-secretary, Director of the Institute of Information Technology, Academician Rasim Alguliyev has stated the importance of the International Information Security Day celebrated about for 27 years. Provision of Information Security issues plays a strategic role for the main contents of every state. State programs have been conducted for development of “e-government” infrastructure”, he noted.

Scientific support is being given due to strengthening legislative, normative-legal base, researches on solving of information security problems are being carried out. “Investigations on this field are being executed approximately for 20 years. Scientific theoretical bases of information security problems are being researched, new method and algorithms are developing, stated R. Alguliyev.

Head of department, PhD in engineering Yadigar Imamverdiyev made a presentation on “World experience on education in the sphere of information security”. He spoke about experience of education system in the sphere of information security in Great Britain and Russia. Training on computer and computer networks, security of information technologies, investigation of computer incidents, legislation on information system field, management of information security are being conducted, he stated.

Leading researcher PhD in engineering Ramiz Shikhaliyev presented a report entitled “Security problems in social networks’’. Stating that there are more than 200 social networks in the world, these networks are very important for interaction and communication, however, social networks are dangerous for inviolability and security of private life of users, he said.

Moreover, sector chief Babek Nabiyev presented a report on topic “Current activity and development prospects of AzScienceCERT’’. Fighting against global information security threats, detection and prevention of them are the tasks of CERT (Computer Emergency Response Team). Management of information security risks is the key aim of AzScienceCERT, he added.

Senior researcher of the institute Shusha Karimova informed about mobile technologies, mobile communication standards, and hazardous programs in mobile telephones. She also spoke about harmful viruses’ characteristic for operating systems. According to Kaspersky Security Bullet, every month about 6300 new mobile samples of hazardous programs are detecting, she stated.”Today there are more than 3500 harmful program species for Android operating system’’.

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