Azerbaijan National Academy of Science

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Corresponding member of ANAS Telman Aghayev was awarded a golden medal and diploma of European Scientific-Industrial Chamber
12.12.2013 00:00
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Corresponding member of ANAS Telman Aghayev was awarded a golden medal and diploma of European Scientific-Industrial Chamber

Director of ANAS Institute of Physiology named after A. Garayevcorresponding member of ANAS Telman Aghayev was awarded a golden medal and diploma of European Scientific-Industrial Chamber for merits in the field of Physiology and biochemistry.

Note that, Telman Aghayev was engaged in pedagogical activity in the Physiology and biochemistry chairs of Baku State University, Azerbaijan Medical University and Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University. Scientist was elected the member of International Brain Researches Organization (IBRO) and UNESCO National Commission for ethics, bioethics and technology for achievements in the proper sciences.

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