Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Academician Isa Habibbeyli: The event that is being held at the threshold of realization of the Zangezur corridor is of great socio-political importance
23.06.2024 11:00
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Academician Isa Habibbeyli: The event that is being held at the threshold of realization of the Zangezur corridor is of great socio-political importance

“The “Return to Western Azerbaijan” festival-congress is one of the greatest events realized within the idea of President Ilham Aliyev on the return to Western Azerbaijan. The event’s organization in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic especially on the Batabat plateau illustrates the realities of the return, in both a logical and literal sense. I consider that the wedding party that took place in Batabat yesterday within the festival-congress is a celebration of the return to Western Azerbaijan in the literal sense of the word.”-said the president of ANAS, academician Isa Habibbeyli during his interview with the Nakhchivan bureau of Azertag.

The president of ANAS mentioned: “More than 300 Azerbaijani scientists made speeches at the congress devoted to Western Azerbaijan on various topics. These are essential steps directed to bringing the science back to Western Azerbaijan. I believe that the materials of the congress will form the first comprehensive complete works regarding Western Azerbaijan. All these are indicators of the reality of the concept and strategy of returning to West Azerbaijan implemented by the Azerbaijani state. Also, the process is an expression of a return to national and spiritual values, Azerbaijanism, and the integrity of Azerbaijan. These are the principal results of the festival-congress held in Nakhchivan”.

The academician said: “Organizing the festival-congress at the threshold of realization of Zangezur corridor is of great socio-political importance. The whole Azerbaijani society and intellectuals observe the reality of implementation of measures in the direction of opening the Zangezur corridor by the will of the President of Azerbaijan. Besides the Zangezur corridor will truly become a transport hub that will unite Europe and Asia, all states surrounding us, and will be useful for all. This is a celebration and reality of Azerbaijan’s policy. I believe that soon, we will pass through the Zangezur corridor to Baku and come to Nakhchivan from Baku”

Translator: Reyhan Majidli, Public Relations, Press and Information Department of the Presidium Administration of ANAS

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