Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


16.02.2016 14:56
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Institute of Linguistics started for trial "Hot Line" system

Institute of Linguistics started for trial "Hot Line" system

The Ministry of Communications and High Technologies  assisted for ANAS Institute of Linguistics to create "Hot line" system. Number resource allocated by the Ministry and the necessary equipment has installed.

"Hotline" with number of 1657, operating continuously for 24 hours, is registered all the calls. Also statistics of daily, weekly, monthly calls will be conducted.

Now the institute has started to receive test calls. Test calls will continue until the beginning of March. During this period, the recorded comments and suggestions will be responded by linguist experts.

"Hot line" has been created in accordance with the State program on the use of Azerbaijani language in the context of globalization in accordance with the requirements of the times and the development of linguistics in the country. By calling this number, citizens will be able to report on the shortcomings of language and get answers to their questions about the Azerbaijani language.

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