Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


“Nakhchivan towers: in history and today” International conference to be held
01.04.2016 10:54
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“Nakhchivan towers: in history and today” International conference to be held

ANAS Nakhichivan Branch will host the international conference “Nakhchivan towers: in history and today” on July 08-10, 2016.

Event will co-organized by Knowledge Foundation under Supreme Assembly of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, Nakhchivan Department, Nakhchivan State University and Nakhchivan Teachers’ Institute.

Basic directions of the international conference: History, geography, archaeology, ethnography, folklore, linguistics, literature, tourism, culture, architecture and art.

Willing to participate can send their lecture theses to April 15, 2016.

Data of the lectures, application form and other information can be obtained from

Contacts: (+994 036) 545 16 80

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