Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


22.04.2016 10:18
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ANAS Central Scientific Library held the presentation of "Karabakh's legends" bulk-postcard

ANAS Central Scientific Library held the presentation of "Karabakh's legends" bulk-postcard

ANAS Central Scientific Library held the presentation of "Karabakh's legends" bulk-postcard which has the propagandistic character and is a collaborative project of the Scientific and Methodological Center on Culture Studies of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan and ANAS Institute of Folklore.

Director of the Institute Folklore, corresponding member of ANAS Mukhtar Imanov told about the significance of the publication, which reflected a rich folkloric environment history and ethnography of Karabakh stories and tales of our compatriots, living in this region.

Also speaking on ties of Institute of Folklore with Methodological Center on Culture Studies of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of AR M.Imanov noted that, within cooperation are carried out a number of events.

The next speaker was Director of the Center, Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science Asif Usubaliyev who noted that, the first issue, aimed at preventing the development of Armenian politics of our national and cultural models was devoted to the historical past of the Azerbaijani people.

The author of the book, Head of the Department of Institute Ilkin Rustamzadeh noted that, the materials for the publication were collected during folklore trips. He stressed that, the traces of Azerbaijanis kept in every piece of Karabakh lands.

Director of the National Museum of Azerbaijan History of ANAS, Academician Naila Velikhanli spoke about the significance of the new publication, and noted the importance of its distribution in foreign languages.

During the event was signed a memorandum of cooperation and understanding between the Scientific and Methodological Center and National Museum of Azerbaijan History of ANAS.

In conclusion Academician N. Velikhanli corresponding member of ANAS, Mukhtar Imanov, author of editions Ilkin Rustamzadeh and artist Ilgar Mehdiyev were awarded by honorary diplomas of the Scientific and Methodological Center.

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