Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Academician Asef Hajiyev is 65 years old
27.05.2016 17:17
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Academician Asef Hajiyev is 65 years old

On May 29, mathematician-scientist lab chief at the Institute of Control Systems of ANAS, Academician Asef Hajiyev is 65 years old.

Asef Haji oglu Hajiyev was born in Ganja city on May 29, 1951. Graduated from Moscow State University named after M.V.Lomonosov in 1973, defended PhD thesis in 1979, doctoral thesis in 1993, gained title of Professor in 2003.

Elected corresponding member of ANAS in 2001, while active member in 2014.

Scientist began for labor activity in 1979 at the Institute of Cybernetics (present Institute of Control Systems), held the positions of junior, senior researchers and sector chief, since 2003 leads to the same laboratory at the institute. He is in charge at the Baku State University Chair of Probability theory and mathematical statistics since 2001.

Academician was deserved to Azerbaijan Lenin Comsomol Prize in Science and Technique for his work “Queuing system with cyclic moving devices” in 1980.

A.Hajiyev is a specialist in applied mathematics, Probability theory, statistics, management issues, and applied mechanics. He is an author of almost 140 academic papers, including 2 monographs.

Scientist supervised 4 Doctors of Sciences and 7 PhDs.

A.Hajiyev is one of the authors of “Encyclopedia of Probability theory and Mathematical Statistics”, conducted in Azerbaijani for the first time.

He is the first author of editor-in-chief of the journal “Management Science and Engineering Management”, publishing in London, also a member of editorial-board “Applied and Computational Mathematics”.

Scientist is a chairman of the Academic Council on Problems of Mathematics under Republican Council for Research Organization and Coordination.

In 2004, elected a member of the International Statistical Institute (Netherlands), the World Academy of Sciences (Italy, Trieste 2005), and a member of the Academy of Sciences of Mongolia in 2008, and Emeritus Professor at the Chinese University of Chengdu in 2011.

A.Hajiyev was elected Vice-President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization in 2006, currently the president of the Assembly.

In 2011, awarded the Prize “Management Science and Engineering management” at the 5th International conference in Macau city, China.

We congratulate the scientist on the occasion of 65th anniversary, wish him robust health and new achievements in development of Azerbaijan mathematics!

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