Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


07.09.2016 16:06
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ANAS created department of Magistracy

ANAS created department of Magistracy

Department of Magistracy is created attached to the structure of the Office of Science and Education of the Presidium Administration of ANAS. Decision about was taken at today's meeting of the Presidium of ANAS.

Speaking about the topic head of the Office of Science and Education Professor Aminagha Sadigov noted that in recent years with a view to ensuring the integration of science and education, accelerating the development of scientific and human resources and increasing young people's interest in science, sweeping reforms carried out in the academy. Since 2015, ANAS doctorate entrance exams and exam-lows for the training program for doctors of philosophy are held through testing method, increased requirements for the doctoral level knowledge of foreign languages. Aminagha Sadigov said that for the first time in the history of scientific organization, master level was organized to the ANAS and 19 individuals were admitted in 2015/2016 academic year and 56 individuals in 2016/2017 second academic year. During the admission to the master’s degree of academy was observed a strong competition among bachelors.

At the meeting, have been approved the results into the magistracy of ANAS, heads of relevant departments of the Presidium Administration, scientific institutions of the Academy were given assignments in connection with the organization of the learning process. In addition, given the fact that ANAS significantly increased the amount of organizational work in the field of education, and there was a need to expand the structure and strengthen the human resource capacity of the Office of Science and Education, Presidium adopted a resolution.

Under resolution, Department of Magistracy has been established attached to the Office of Science and Education of ANAS Presidium Administration and approved staff positions. Also, Deputy Head of the Scientific and Analytical Department of the Office, PhD in Engineering Huseyn Huseynov was defined to the post of chief department.

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