Azerbaijan National Academy of Science

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


National Museum of Azerbaijan History sent a letter of protest to the Russia’s State Hermitage
23.09.2016 11:30
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National Museum of Azerbaijan History sent a letter of protest to the Russia’s State Hermitage

On September 22, ANAS National Museum of Azerbaijan History hosted a meeting of the Academic Council.

The meeting adopted an appeal to the director of the Hermitage M.B.Piotrovski and Conference Organizing Committee in connection with the include of lecture "Coin case in the khanates in Eastern Armenia (Irevan, Nakhchivan, Karabakh, Ganja (1747-1827))" by A.Akopyan and P.Petrov, to the program of the 2nd International Conference on Oriental Numismatics to be held on September 26-29 at the Russia’ State Hermitage. The appeal protested to submit ancient Azerbaijani lands so-called "Eastern Armenia" in the authors’ lecture, based on false claims. The document notes that such claims are contrary to the historical truth, initial sources and a good example of the next Armenian provocation.

In the appeal, members of the Academic Council demand the withdrawal of the lecture by P.Petrov and A.Akopyan from the conference program.

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