Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


13.10.2016 14:35
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Employee the Central Botanical Garden awarded the Gold Medal "Best Research Scientist, patriot"

Employee the Central Botanical Garden awarded the Gold Medal "Best Research Scientist, patriot"

By decision of the Award Commission 'European publishing house" senior researcher of Laboratory of Rare and Endangered species of plants of the Central Botanical Garden of ANAS, Doctor of Biological sciences, Associate Professor Kerem Asadov awarded a Diploma and a Gold Medal "Best research scientist, patriot".

The scientist was awarded the award for merits in protection of national and spiritual values and the development of biological science, for active intelligent position in society, the training of young scientists and numerous scientific and journalistic publications and the formation of the youth patriotism.

Note that, K.Asadov is the author of successful research projects, 102 scientific papers and 8 monographs, researcher in the field of determining the types of forests Minor Caucasus and the phenological phases in groups of wild fruits, as well as the compiler maps wild fruit plants of Azerbaijani forests.

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