Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Azerbaijani scientists participated at the international conference devoted to Saib Tabrizi’s creativity in Iran
16.01.2017 17:36
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Azerbaijani scientists participated at the international conference devoted to Saib Tabrizi’s creativity in Iran

Tabriz Islamic University of the Republic of Iran held international scientific conference devoted to creativity of outstanding Azerbaijani poet Saib Tabrizi, who lived in the XVII century on January 14.

The event, which, along with the Islamic Republic of Iran, was also attended by scientists from Azerbaijan, Turkey and Georgia, our country was represented by a delegation headed by the Vice-President of ANAS, Academician Isa Habibbeyli.

Opening the conference, Head of the Department of Central Asia and the Caucasus Tabriz University Farshbafian Ahmed welcomed the participants and spoke about the importance of the event.

The next speaker, Rector of Tabriz University, Professor Muhammad Pourmohammadi told about the work of Saib Tabrizi and noted thatç the writer is one of the most well-known representatives of the Azerbaijani classical literature in Azerbaijani Turkic and Farsi.

Then üas delivered the report by Academician Isa Habibbeyli "Trends updates in the classic poem and Saib Tabrizi."

Reports of the dean of the literary faculty of Tabriz University, Professor Muhammad Mehtipura on "Saib and his moral views", Professor of Istanbul University Muhammad Atalaya on "The attitude of scientists Turkey to Saib Tabrizi", Academician-Secretary of the Department of Human Sciences, Academician Teymur Kerimli on "Poetical tradition and modernization works of Saib Tabrizi", Georgian scholar, Professor Helen Ginashvili on "Azerbaijan and Saib Tabrizi in Georgian Oriental Studies", Deputy Director of the Institute of Manuscripts, Doctor of Philology sciences Pasha Karimov on "Grand Master of the Indian style - Saib Tabrizi", employees of Tabriz University Ibrahim Iqbal on "The impact of Indian culture on poetry Sahib" and Muhammad Hakpura on "Thematic unity and motives in the poetry of Saeb" aroused great interest of the participants .

Then, the sides exchanged views on the gazelles Saib Tabrizi written in Azerbaijani language.

After the event, a meeting of the members of the Azerbaijani delegation with the rector of the University of Tabriz Muhammadrza Pourmohammadi, in which questions regarding the exchange of experience were discussed.

Next it was attended Maqbaratoshoara where buried Muhammedguseyn Shahriyar and several other Azerbaijani poets.

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