Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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18.01.2017 17:02
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State of scientific research in the field of Earth Sciences, and further prospective directions discussed

State of scientific research in the field of Earth Sciences, and further prospective directions discussed

At a meeting of the ANAS Presidium, which took place on 18 January, Academician-Secretary of Department of Earth Sciences of ANAS (DES), Academician Fakhraddin Gadirov delivered paper on the topic "State and perspective directions of further research in the field of earth sciences".

Academician Fakhraddin Gadirov said that, scientific activity of Department aimed at solving fundamental and applied problems in the field of geology, geophysics and development of oil and gas exploration, seismology and geography. He noted that, at DES are functioning the committee on geology and geophysics, geodynamics and geological threats, development of oil and gas fields, geography, ecology, and sections of the Caspian Sea, alternative energy, natural resources, environmental protection and ecology, natural disasters and forecast.

The scientist reported that in department researches in such priority directions as evolution and a structure of decantation basins, a mud volcanism, fundamental problems of geology and geochemistry of oil and gas, development of oil and gas fields, geophysical fields of Earth and their nature, modern geodynamics and seismology, forecasting of geological catastrophic crashes, alternative energy sources, applied geology and geophysics, complex studying of an ecosystem of the Caspian Sea, dynamics of landscape changes, climatic changes and demography were conducted.

In the report the academician told about the important results received recently in various spheres of the corresponding scientific industries: "In department the great value is attached to multidisciplinary researches. Works on the research programs "Complex of Theoretical and Pilot Studies of Cross-disciplinary Problems of Geomechanics", "Biogeochemical Division Into Districts and Regional Forecasting of Health of the Population of Azerbaijan", "Atlas of a Solar Energy of Azerbaijan" are continued. As the following step in this direction since 2017 implementation of such actions as upgrade of research establishments, updating of their structures according to the priority directions, use of high technologies, extension of contacts with the international scientific centers, carrying out joint surveys, intensive integration of science and education, involvement of foreign scientific centers to training, etc. is provided".

Academician noted that, in the period of independence, four state programs were carried out in the department, abroad continuously published scientific works; and for the past five years the institutions and the staff working in the field of Earth Sciences, conducted a study on 42 grant projects, winning competitions on the Science Development Fund under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the State Oil Company of the Azerbaijan Republic, international, regional and national centers.

Academician Fakhraddin Gadirov said that guided by the calls of the XXI century and the priorities set by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev to the scientific institutions in the coming years it is planned to conduct fundamental research in areas such as geo-ecological problems; physical and mathematical modeling of geological processes; evolution, structure and model of sedimentary basins; genetic features, patterns of occurrence and location of mineral deposits; dynamics and protection of water resources, underwater and surface water; Modern geodynamics, crustal movements, active tectonic deformation techniques GPS and INSAR in space geodynamics; mud volcanism, geologic-geophysical and geodynamic model of mud volcanoes, monitoring and forecast of their activity; basic research of intellectual fields; scientific studying of fields of gas hydrates. Also works in the field of studying of dynamics, geophysical and geochemical features of landscape changes will be conducted; environmental problems of the Caspian Sea, creation of complex physiographic model; human geography (demography); global and regional climatic changes and biosphere; seismic monitoring and seismic danger; seismotomographic researches; The DRC-analysis of remains of the person, animals and the plants found at excavation and their comparison with modern types; arkhegeologicheskikh and arkhezoologicheskikh of researches, etc.

After listening to the report of the discussions took place, these prospective directions have been taken as a basis for further work. In order to increase the fruitfulness of activities scientific institutions that are part of the scientific activity of Department, was asked to prepare the general multidisciplinary programs and projects, organize the coordination and integration of scientific research, as well as to conduct training in master's and doctoral research in promising areas.

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