Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Corresponding member Shahin Mustafayev is 55
06.02.2017 09:50
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Corresponding member Shahin Mustafayev is 55

On February 7, a well-known scientist, Deputy Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies, corresponding member, Professor Shahin Majid oghlu Mustafayev is 55 years old.

Shahin Mustafayev was born on February 7, 1962 in Baku. In 1984, he graduated from Azerbaijan State University (present Baku State University) the Faculty of Oriental Studies.

Then, in 1990, he got PhD degree in history, in 2011 – Dr. History, and in 2014 was elected a corresponding member of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.

Sh. Mustafayev began to work as a junior researcher, researcher, and senior researcher at the Institute of Oriental Studies named after Academician Z.M.Bunyadov. Currently, he holds the institute's Deputy Director of Science.

The main direction of his scientific activity is to study socio-economic and ethno-cultural history of the Medieval Ages Ottoman Empire and Azerbaijan. 

Study of political and socio-economic history of eastern provinces of Asia Minor in the period of Aggoyunlu, Safavids and Ottomans, as well as of the legislative activities of the Aggoyunlu ruler Uzun Hasan ,study of socio-political and ethnocultural processes in Asia Minor and Azerbaijan in XI-Xv centuries, research, translation and studies on the historical and cultural heritage of Central Asian people are among scientist’s achievements.

The historian is the author of 73 scientific publications. 33 of them were published abroad. His monographs - "Eastern Anatolia: from Aggoyunlus to the Ottomans", "From Seljukids to the Ottomans: ethno-political processes in the Turkish environment of Anatolia during XI-XV centuries” led to important innovations in the investigation of a number of conceptual issues of Medieval Ottoman Empire and Azerbaijan. In addition, he published "A comprehensive book of Tiflis province", covering the regions of Gazakh and Borchali in 1728, and "A summary of Lori province” in 1590.

Sh.Mustafayev has signed a number of important scientific research projects while working as a director of the UNESCO International Institute for Central Asian Studies in 2008-2013.

He is a corresponding member of the UNESCO International Institute for Central Asian Studies. He was a winner of grant programs - UNESCO "Hirayama - Silk Road" and Fulbright. The scientist was awarded by medal of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "For the development of science in Kazakhstan".

Corresponding member of ANAS Shahin Mustafayev supervised for 5 PhDs.

Congratulations to the celebrate scientists on the occasion of his 55th anniversary, and successes to him in development of history science!

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