Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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2nd Azerbaijan-Belarus joint international grant competition announced
16.03.2017 15:05
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2nd Azerbaijan-Belarus joint international grant competition announced

Science Development Foundation taking into account Quadrilateral Agreement provisions, which was signed on November 28, 2015 in Minsk "On the cooperation among Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Science Development Foundation under President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Belarus National Academy of Sciences, Republic of Belarus Foundation for Fundamental Research", has announced 2nd Azerbaijan-Belarus joint international grant competition.

The competition, implementing by temporary creative collectives composed of Azerbaijani and Belarusian scientists, aims to underpin research projects in scientific areas relevant to each of the four sides, boost international scientific cooperation, and create additional opportunity for solving of modern scientific problems. Within the competition projects of fundamental and applied nature will be funded up to 100 thousand manat.

Projects for participation at the competition will be submitted from 16 March 2017 to 17 May, at 15: 00 pm. The results of the competition is planned to announce in September 2017 depending on the date of expiry of the mandatory state examination of State Science and Technology Committee of Belarus.

The scientific examination of the projects submitted to the competition, work and periodical monitoring of winning projects will be organized by the Science Development Foundation. Projects can be submitted through innovative technology created by the Science Development Foundation "e-GRANT" = “Electronic Management System of the Grant Projects".

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