Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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18.02.2014 00:00
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Prof. Asif Rustamli’s 60th jubilee was celebrated

Prof. Asif Rustamli’s 60th jubilee was celebrated

Event was held dedicated to 60th jubilee of Asif Rustamli, chairman of Trade Union of the Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi Dr. Philology professor.

Opening the event vice president of ANAS director of the institute acad.Isa Habibbayli informed about his creativity and noted that, A. Rustamli has known as Jabbarli studier in Azerbaijan literature. Being faithful to “Molla Nasraddin” line in literature, he has interested in and written several works.

MP Elmira Akhundova, Dr. Sciences – Gazanfar Pashayev, Vagif Arzumanli,Muharram Gasimli, Vagif YusifliGurban BayramovAslan Salmansoy, chairman of ANAS Trade Union PhD in history Elnara AkimovaKhalida KhalidZakira Aliyeva and others appreciated him as a notable literary and textual critic.

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