Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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30.03.2017 10:42
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Scientific-practical conference devoted to memory of Professor Elbrus Alizadeh

Scientific-practical conference devoted to memory of Professor Elbrus Alizadeh

“The mountain geosystems in Azerbaijan: problems and prospects" scientific-practical conference devoted to memory of geographer-scientist, State Laureate of the Republic of Azerbaijan, corresponding member of ANAS, Doctor of geographical sciences Professor Elbrus Alizadeh took place on March 29.

Conference has begun with minute of silence to commemorate scientist.

Director of the Institute of Geography after Acad. Hasan Aliyev Academician Ramiz Mammadov informed about scientist’s life, his academic-pedagogical and organizational activity. E.Alizade honestly was considered decent successor of notable academics – H.Aliyev, B.Budagov, including Professors – M.Museyibov, N.Shirinov and A.Mikayilov, he noted.

Then, Academician-Secretary of the Division of Earth Sciences Academician Fakhraddin Gadirov highlighted Elbrus Alizadeh as a kind man of encyclopedic knowledge.

At the event, was displayed a video-film devoted to E.Alizadeh’s 60th anniversary prepared by his workers, but after his death it was dedicated to his memory.

Later on, Dr. Geography, Professor Farda Imanov delivered a lecture on “Professor E.K. Alizadeh’s role in teaching and promoting of geography in the universities and secondary schools" and PhD in Geography Assoc. Prof. Mirnuh Ismayilov reported about priority directions of scientist’s research works and its outcomes. It was noted that, E.Alizadeh held studies on morphosturcture analyze of mountainous landscape – one of the most promising directions of geography science and gained higher results beyond the country.

In closing, chief department of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics of ANAS, Academician Arif Ismayilzadeh, a leading researcher of the Institute of Geography PhD in Geography Mahira Abbasova, chief department of BSU Professor Tapdig Hasanov, Associate Professor of the same university Narmina Seyfullayeva, scientist’s student-mate and director of Baku Cartography Plant Mugabil Bayramov, chief department of ASPU Assoc.Prof. Ogtay Alkhasov and others shared their memories about E.Alizadeh.

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